This image. Longtime student and dear friend Lucy Price loaned me her sublime , near empty, new home space for a day in the Austin clouds with creative collaborator Kara Buse of Wyld Roots. Kara is one my favorite EVERYTHING...she elevates life with her talent and heart. She gets what I'm going for and captures in her photography where I happen to be in my own life. These surroundings are stripped down and simple , strewn with a beautiful mess of flowers. We , as in US, really don't need very much. I'm committed to being myself, to you, to loving really , really well. Nearly 5 months ago, my right vocal cord spontaneously paralyzed and remains so ( You can read my FB post and blog here ) The struggle to talk and breathe without discomfort is real. Even after a recent , invasive procedure, I've not improved or found relief. At a time in my life where I'm kind of drunk with joy and gratitude, this has been quite difficult but not breaking. My power looks , feels and sounds different but is still POWER. I invite you to joining me in starting this new year back-to-basics with Don Miguel Ruiz's THE FOUR AGREEMENTS.
Thank you for sitting down with my newsletter . Thank you for investing your time in reading it...all the way to the bottom ;) .
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